maandag 18 februari 2013

Ook die tweede gastekamer klink baie lekker!

Ongeruste of bezorgde mama's, papa's, tantes, nonkels, oma's en opa's: lees dit mailtje goed. We slapen bij een dokter: Geen paniek dus als er iets fout loopt! ;-)

Dear Katrien and Joselien

Thank you very much for your email! We are also looking forward to meet you and to welcome you in our city and in our home.

Just to brief you about your accommodation with us: you will be staying in our guest cottage - Rise & Shine. It is adjacent to our house and comprise of a lounge, a fully equipped kitchen, a bedroom with twin beds and a bathroom (you don't need to bring bath towels). You will have your own entrance and your own set of keys to the property. We are walking distance from Eversdal Primary.

You don't need to pay us, but as I have explained to Miss Louise Rheeder: I am not 'mrs preparing food' - so, once you are here, I will take you to go shopping to buy either ready made meals (no horse meat!!!) or groceries to cook your own food - as I've said: the kitchen is fully equipped - with a stove/oven, microwave oven, fridge, freezer and utensils.

Miss Rheeder said she will organise with the after care at the school for lunches.

Could you please let me know what you eat for breakfast - then I can stock the kitchen so long, i.e. muesli, yoghurt or whatever it is you like to have in the mornings.

Just a note about our family: Ernst is a medical dr and works mainly with spinal cord injured patients. Emma is 13 years old and is in Gr 8 - she started boarding school this year in Paarl and comes home Friday afternoons. Emile is 11 years old and in Gr 6 in Eversdal Primary. Both the children are sports mad and are quite busy with it. I work at the Hospice - mornings only. And then I must not forget about Oscar, our white Labrador - who only wants to be loved!

It can still be very hot in the month of March - please bring your bathing suits - we have a pool.

If there is anything else you want to ask, please do so - sorry for my very late reply to your e-mail!!! I just didn't get to the computer.

Kind regards to your two
Anél Scriba

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Amai da ziet er echt wel goed uit!!!
    Maar wij beleven hier wel 'The real african adventure' ;) Have Fun !!!!!!

  2. Haha, 'no horse meat'... Dat wordt daar nog leuk!
